Welcome to the South and East Network for Social Sciences
An ESRC-funded Doctoral Training Partnership
The South and East Network for Social Sciences (SENSS) Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) is a consortium of eight leading universities across the south and east of the UK promoting inventive and inclusive social science research training and collaboration
“I am delighted and proud to be the Director of the South and East Network for Social Sciences, an Economic and Social Research Council-funded Doctoral Training Partnership. Our DTP is one of the ESRC’s strategic investments in training and developing the next generation of social science researchers. Building on the research strengths of our eight partner universities and several external partners, we will support the development of post-graduate researchers, post-doctoral fellows and early career researchers. We are building on three pillars: interdisciplinary research that can address the grand challenges humanity is facing; equality, diversity and inclusivity to bring innovation to thinking through differences; and, finally, engagement that leads to impact in the world of practice. We aim to support our research community and provide opportunities for their personal and professional development.”
Professor Fragkiskos Filippaios, SENSS Director
Professor of International Business, Essex Business School, University of Essex