Project title: Sharing Knowledge for Building Climate Resilience among Farmers in sub-Saharan Africa

Primary supervisor: Prof. Maren Duvendack (University of East Anglia)

Second supervisor: Prof. Arjan Verschoor (University of East Anglia)

University: University of East Anglia

SENSS Theme: Sustainability and Climate Emergency

Collaborative partner: M-Omulimisa Innovative Agricultural Services

Collaborative partner supervisor: Daniel Ninsiima

Degree structure: The structure of the studentship offered will depend on your personal training needs. However, the minimum duration of a SENSS-funded studentship will be 3.5 years: this covers a PhD and a mandatory placement of approximately 3 months. The maximum duration of a studentship will be 4.5 years: this covers a Masters degree followed by a PhD, as well as the mandatory 3-month placement.

Project background

Climate change brings unprecedented risks for farmers in sub-Saharan Africa. Most of the subcontinents’ farmers are smallholders and climate change poses new threats to their livelihoods: more frequent droughts and floods, greater rainfall unpredictability, new plant and livestock pests and diseases, among other threats. Now is a critical time for building climate resilience among them to prevent a devastating collapse of livelihoods and food security. UEA researchers are helping build a knowledge sharing platform for building climate resilience for smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa. This platform has been designed for providing African farmers with customised technological solutions to build climate resilience. It is already operating in northern Uganda, designed and implemented by our collaborative partner m-Omulimisa, an award-winning ag tech consultancy.

Project aims and objectives

This PhD project aims to contribute to sharing knowledge and building climate resilience among farmers in sub-Saharan Africa by conducting an impact evaluation in collaboration with m-Omulimisa of the knowledge-sharing platform that is operating in Uganda. Working with experts, the PhD candidate will be adopting a mixed methods approach drawing on an overall contribution analysis framework to unpack the multiple causal drivers that may explain the success or otherwise of the platform. The proposed contribution analysis approach encompasses quantitative and qualitative elements. The quantitative part draws on a survey across villages in northern Uganda sampling villages that benefit from the knowledge-sharing platform and a control group. This resembles a randomised controlled trial but of necessity includes a non-random element (i.e. the villages where the platform is in place). The quantitative survey will be complemented by performance stories which are a participatory approach used to teasing out the experiences of farmers and other stakeholders regarding the perceived success of the innovation. The quantitative and qualitative elements of the methodology will be complementary allowing a better understanding of the causal drivers that explain how and why our innovation works (and could be made better) in improving farmers’ investments and their decision-making process in making investments. This research has the potential to directly feed into scaling up the platform across sub-Saharan Africa, as well as contributes to the policy discourse on tech-led solutions to bring about climate resilience among smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa.

Training opportunities

A comprehensive package of training will be agreed in consultation with the supervisors including bespoke training on impact evaluation and decision-making under risk among smallholder farmers. Elements of training will be provided by the supervisors, the collaborative partner, and by other providers.   

Essential and/or desirable attributes/skills

We are looking for a highly motivated candidate to undertake a PhD in Development Economics. We would welcome a candidate with a degree in Development Economics or related social science fields. A keen interest in climate change, agriculture, technology, impact evaluation methods, multidisciplinary and applied work, and global development is desirable.

Studentship details

This studentship is between +3.5 and +4.5-year (1+3.5, 2+2.5, +4.5) awards. The standard length of an ESRC-funded studentship is +3.5. This includes the standard +3 PhD, plus an +0.25 term for the integrated placement which the collaborative partner is expected to offer the DR, and a further additional +0.25 to enable the student to undertake training relevant to their research project (including career progression). All studentships are offered on either a full-time or part-time basis.

The studentship award covers your university fees and provides you with a stipend of £19,237 per year (for 2024-2025 academic year). You will also be able to apply for additional funding via the SENSS Research Training Support Grant to support your training needs.

Residential eligibility

All applicants, whether Home or International, are eligible for a full award, that is, they will receive a stipend (salary) and they will not have to pay any university tuition fees during their studentship award

How to apply for this studentship

To be considered for this funding, you must first apply to SENSS for this collaborative studentship. Please read the SENSS Collaborative Studentship Application Guidance Notes before completing our online application form. The Guidance Notes are available here.

If your application is accepted by SENSS, you will need to make a separate application for a place to study at the University of East Anglia as your host University. You will be provided with a link with information on how to make your application to the University of East Anglia once the SENSS proposal has been accepted.


The deadline for submitting your application for SENSS funding on HEIApply is 12:00 GMT on Monday 24 February 2025. No extensions to this deadline will be permitted.

For further enquiries:

For enquiries about this research project, please email Prof. Maren Duvendack:

For enquiries related to your eligibility for this studentship, and/or the application process, please email: Vanessa Tarling at

The likely interview date for this studentship will be Tuesday 11 March 2025 (am).