SeNSS Summer Conference 2024
The SeNSS Summer Conference 2024 was held at the Royal Holloway, University of London from Wednesday 3 to Friday 5 July 2024.
Highlights for this year’s conference included:
“Interdisciplinarity in Social Sciences” panel Discussion with Dr Kevin Daniels (UEA), Dr Veronica Lamarche (University of Essex), and Dr Neil Williams (University of Roehampton)
“What is interdisciplinarity and why does it matter?” sessions focusing on the transition between SeNSS and SENSS and the new deal for the PhD Introduced by ESRC
Deep-dive cross-Pathway sessions considering interdisciplinarity from both conceptual and methodological perspectives.
Communicating Complex Concepts to a non-expert audience, presented by Angie Baker from The Brilliant Club
Plenty of time to socialise and get to know each other, including a BBQ on the first night and drinks reception and formal dinner followed by a social event organised by the SeNSS Student Committee on the second night.